So glad you’re here!
I’m Diana Page.
Burnout survivor turned burnout educator, Nurse/NP mentor, Neurology NP, self-care strategist, and mom of two toddlers. I’m a self-proclaimed boundaries queen and I love a good PTO day!
Nothing gets me jazzed more than seeing nurses and NPs realize that they are worthy of care too!
I love helping you say “buh-bye” to overwhelm and “heyyyy girl” to a life you are obsessed with outside of nursing.
I am thrilled that you are here because it means you are ready to start putting yourself first! Squeel!
I support nurses and NPs at all levels of their practice ward off burnout so that they can have optimal work life balance. If you are ready to live a life you are obsessed with, become insanely self-aware, get out of your own way and take action on your big dreams you are in the right place!
I’m an NP of 12 years working in outpatient neurology here in Maine. But before I get to my nurse “stats” I want to tell you about the non-nurse me because one of the things I firmly believe in is that nursing is just one facet of who I am (and you too!)
I love to laugh and be as close to the ocean as possible. I love to try new restaurants (especially if a yummy taco is involved), spend time with people I care about and travel to beautiful places. I have been to 11 countries, ridden a camel into the Sahara, rappelled down an 80ft waterfall and lived abroad in England as a child. Yes, complete with an adorable British accent.
I absolutely love to explore: Exploring in terms of travel but also learning new things, mindset shifts, meeting new people, and being opening minded as I navigate life.
I love helping you feel more YOU, the YOU that holds your head high, sets the heathy boundaries, is confident and feels worthy and loved. You deserve that. You deserve to enjoy your days off and not feel like your job is running your life.
It’s about sustainable change. It’s about you investing in yourself now so that you life a life of balance, happiness and self-compassion for many years to come. I am not teaching tools that are trendy, these are life tools that will serve you well for years!

I was not a nurse from the get go.
I did my undergrad in biology and was raised by two chemists. I thought for sure I would be a lab rat and maybe go for my PhD. But I got a job in a research lab at a pretty amazing institution in Boston fresh out of school and absolutely hated it (the mouse colony wasn’t really my jam). During one particularly bad day, my lab bench mate (a fun Swedish Post doc) said “hey, have you ever thought about being a nurse? I think you’d be really good at it”….words that would change the trajectory of my life forever.
Long story short I took action…I quit my job, went to nursing school, worked as an RN in an underserved community hospital in East Boston, got my MSN in a direct entry accelerated program and here we are. BOOM.
But wait…how did I get HERE? Mentoring you about burnout prevention and nurse life balance?
I’m a burnout survivor.
I burned out while working at the bedside in my first NP job. I burned out HARD and it totally took me by surprise. In fact I think I burned out in nursing school but was too overwhelmed and in denial to realize it.
At that time I didn’t know what burnout was and I spent years feeling miserable before I was able to put a name to what I was feeling. I almost left nursing because I thought it was me…but it wasn’t. It was my environment, my lack of boundaries and the burnout culture that plagued the hospital I was working in.
I spent years cultivating the tools I now teach to you. I did the trial and error, I did the inner work, shifted my mindset, did the mentorships, read the books, and learned from my mistakes along the way.
Now I have a toolbox of the tried and true tools that I have used for YEARS to keep burnout at bay. And they work. I know this not only because I use them myself, but also 100% of my mentees have had positive results with my signature program The Resilient Nurse Roadmap.
My Signature Mentorship Program
The Resilient Nurse Roadmap has helped dozens of exhausted nurses and NPs navigate paths away from burnout towards more joy, confidence, and freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom to choose you.
I know what it’s like to feel the burn. I know what it’s like to feel lost. It’s my commitment to you not only to teach you the tools to move through those emotions but also to continue to work towards changing the burnout culture within nursing.
None of us are meant to do life or nursing alone and I am so glad you’re here! Have fun exploring and don’t forget to check out all the amazing free resources I created for you to get support sooner rather than later!